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Motion Effects are movements, or motions that work procedurally with the use of FP Motion's spring system.
A motion effect is a component that subscribes its game-object to the and then uses the handle received to apply some forces; basically, all the motion effects are different, and we built them to showcase how the spring system works, and provide a robust set of components to help develop first-person-shooter games.
What they all have in common is that they all share a parent, the Motion Behavior; What this component provides is a way to turn off the effects with a press of a button.
In version 2.0, the behavior parent class will see a lot of changes, and serve as a central hub to all motion scripts.
We made every effect in the asset for both camera and weapons, and thus the functionality works on both in the same manner, it only becomes different based on the used, which comes from the .
The Motion Effects that you can find in the asset are:
Offset. Moves the object to the position and rotation specified in the current state's data.
Bob, Roll & Strafe. Position and rotate the object based on the player's movement, making the movement appear more realistic.
Breath. Adds a breathing effect to the object, trying to imitate an idle animation.
Fall & Land. Imitate a falling and landing animation by pushing the object backwards while falling, and pressing it down when landing.
Lean. Allow the object to follow the player's lean input, and move to the side, making the player lean.
Sway. Rotates the object based on the player's mouse input, making it seem like it lags.
Shooting. Makes the object react to the player's shooting input by recoiling.
Animation Addition. Follows another object's animation, but allows for tweaking how smooth/sharp it is.
These effects are undergoing a massive revamp and will become a lot more polished, and better looking in version 2.0.
Using Motion Effects is simple, you can just add the components that you need in your game to the game-object that needs them, and that will work!
That said, sometimes the object requiring these effects already has something driving its position or rotation; to fix this, we recommend that the developer make a parent for the object, and add the effects there.
Here's what the parenting looks like for the camera's effects:
<-> Effects <-----> Camera
Changing the result a motion effect produces is a process different for each one of them, as they don't have the same forces being applied, and some don't even change the same things; Some effects change the position of objects, while some change the rotation, others may even change both.
What all motion effects have in-common though, is that they have properties dedicated to the springs themselves in the form of , these allow developers to make the spring for that effect stiffer or smoother, to cap the maximum movement, and other things.